
Glen F. KubistaGlen F. Kubista & Associates is a New York based firm of former Liquor Authority Agents who provide licensing services to new and established business owners throughout New York in the areas of Liquor Licensing, Corporations, and Insurance.

Someone who cares about the success of your business.

We’ll meet to review your needs, objectives, progress and to discuss the next steps in your business progression. Even after our initial meeting our service is only a “phone call” away. This gives you the opportunity to take a break from the daily details of running your business to address ideas, problems and other issues outside your area of expertise. After the initial setup of your business, how long we work together is up to you. Many clients continue to call on me for several years after their businesses evolve and grow.

Someone with whom you can try out new ideas.

Ideas are a dime a dozen but deciding which ones are best for your business is another matter. We’ll discuss the ideas and compare their success to other businesses of a similar nature. We can discuss your ideas for expanding, promoting and managing your business.

We’ll weigh the pros and cons together to help you decide which ideas are viable and which aren’t. Then we will discuss the means to integrate them successfully into your business.

Someone to talk over decisions you face every day.

Starting and running a small business can be a lonely, risky, venture. Having someone to talk to who’s not related to you..or to whom you are not indebted…is crucial. I will be your sounding board and by working together you will decide which road is best for you.

Someone who’s been an entrepreneur too.

I’ve not only counseled hundreds of small business owners, I am a small business owner. I know what it is like to have cash flow problems. I know how hard it is to be enthusiastic for just one more sales call. I know how lonely running a small business can be AND I know the value of having a supporter, a cheerleader, a benefactor. I’ll give you the same beneficial insights my own experience and advisors have given me.

Someone with experience, expertise and training.

I’ve not only been a small business owner for over two decades I am also a licensed Insurance Broker and a Realtor. Additionally, I have extensive background in banking, business planning, credit, collections, office management, human resources, general business requirements and governmental licensing.

Someone who will help you stay focused and reach your goals.

The most effective advisors get to know as much as possible about their clients, the business, their personal aspirations and goals. We will discuss IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE, what you hope to achieve and where you want to be in the next few years.

During our meetings we will work together to set realistic goals that will give you a road map for the next few months or years. Each decision you have to make will be weighed against your goals to determine if your decision is in your best interest. In the end the final decision will be yours based on facts not on impulse, misunderstanding or misrepresentation.